About Mindful Communication
Since I first learned about Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in 1997, I felt confident that this tool would contribute to meaning and self-knowledge. In that same year, I also learned about mindfulness and the work of Thich Nhat Hanh. Together, these activities transformed my inner life. At last I had a tangible sense of skills that can support human beings living peacefully together, in a conscious and active manner. In the following decade I was introduced to various forms of Restorative practices.
About Peer Practice
As I deepened my learning I noticed a strong desire to share the skills with other people. I believe this desire came in part from a wish to contribute to others, and also because of the link between teaching and learning. In other words, I love the learning that comes to me from teaching others. And after experiencing my first circle, I recognised circles as a particular way to hold a group safely and inclusively so that we could each explore our learning edges, and allow space for growth and creativity.
Since 2006 I have shared my versions of these models, which I now call Peer Practice. I offer the work in workshops, classes, and presentations. I love to share this work with anyone who wants more effective relationships in their life. In particular I love to share the work with communities who want to develop more meaningful relationships within their groups.
I believe you will enjoy the activities I offer if you are someone who likes experiential learning, if you like exploring your learning edge, and if you enjoy being part of a community of practice. I look forward to meeting many of you in a training or presentation, or online.
You can read about Peer Practice in more detail here.
About Judith
I have a vision of the world that recognises and supports the work of creating and maintaining meaningful relationships. And I love to use my skills as a teacher and facilitator to contribute to this vision. In 2000 I received a BA in Transpersonal Psychology from Burlington College Vermont, and in 2008 I received an MA in Liberal Studies from Empire State College. Both of these degrees were independent studies and my experience with independent study inspires much of my peer practice work. I am a certified Circle facilitator and Circle facilitator trainer, as well as a certified trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication (www.cnvc.org).
Since returning to live in Ireland in 2019 I am continuing my work as a trainer in Restorative Practices through the Childhood Development Initiative (CDI), as well as offering many online Peer Practice groups.
About this website
In designing a new website, I wanted the visual aspect of the site to reflect a particular sense of spaciousness. I find that this sense of spaciousness often meets my need for reflection and insights. Images such as looking at the sky through tree tops almost always brings me a particular sense of spaciousness.
Happily for me I was able to work with my son, Tim Harper, on the design of the website. He helped to put my ideas for the website in a workable format, and behind the scenes, built smooth connections between the pages and links. Also, his choice of the open source font, Raleway, emphasised the sense of spaciousness I wanted the website to reflect.