2022 Teaching and Living the Relationship Window through NVC

Teaching and Living the Relationship Window through NVC

A 6-Week Online Restorative Practice

Facilitators: Judith Lardner and Nicola Reeves


Purpose: To deepen our understanding about the Relationship Window through the language of Nonviolent Communication (NVC).

When: The practice lasts 6 weeks – 13 Sept- 20 Oct (Please note the first circle is on a Tuesday, and the remaining circles will be on a Thursday) – and consists of the following:

Who: Anyone who has completed at least an introductory training in restorative practice is welcome to join this group.

Where: From the comfort of your own home! Participants must have access to email to receive weekly notices from facilitators. Participants may participate in weekly activities either by phone or by Zoom video conferencing.

What: In addition to taking a week at the beginning to become familiar with the Peer Practice model and at the end to harvest our learning, we will take one week to explore each of the four panes of the Relationship Window: “To”, “For”, “Not”, and “With”. And we will do this using the language of NVC. The activities will include:

  • 6 Online Talking Circles – Starting on Tuesday, 13th September we will meet every week on Zoom from 7:30 – 9.00. Further Circles will be on the Thursday, e.g. Thursday, 22nd September.
  • Weekly Practice partner call – Participants will work with a practice partner each week, scheduling a weekly 1-hour call at their convenience. Participants will receive weekly emails from the facilitators with suggestions for how to structure their conversation using empathic listening tools drawn from Nonviolent Communication (NVC).
  • Daily reflective activity – Participants will receive a weekly email with a suggestion for a daily reflective activity that may take about 15 minutes to complete. The reflective activity may be completed through journaling, meditation, artistic expression, or any other method you choose.

How much: Sliding scale/pay what you can:  €60-120. The amount we request for this 6 week practice is the amount we estimate will make the work sustainable. We recognize we all have different levels of income and we are very willing to take time to come to an agreement with anyone who wishes to contribute something other than the requested amount.


Please note places are limited to a maximum of 18 participants, and closing date for sign up is now: Saturday, 10th September